Home 9 Words 9 Word 2024/10/04 One step at the time… til the end

Word 2024/10/04 One step at the time… til the end

Prophetic Word, given on 2024-10-04 One step at the time ~5:00 PM

Actually, a good portion in this word is for believers, whether you label them Christians or disciples or whatever.

As this word includes also several metaphors and figurative elements, I ask you to pray and seek Adonai that the Holy Spirit will lead and guide you through all of it in His wisdom and understanding.

Beginning of Prophecy:

One step at the time
I ordained each and every step for you, even before you were born.
I have a plan for each of your moves.
For every single soul I carefully planned their lives and gifted them with all they need, in order to enter into their full calling.

Some I have given many talents, some received several and some I gave only a few or even only one, but whether many or few talents, all for the purpose to reflect My glory.
Sadly the majority of the population don’t walk in My calling, but in selfish fleshly lust.
Though the gifts and callings I gave are irrevocable, and most people use them for their own benefit without walking in My calling at all, not a single step what I have planned for them.
And more, so many walk contrary to My calling and use it to glorify darkness and blasphemy, the devil and his evil ways.

Yes, some I have called to be very wealthy.
But instead to feed the poor, they oppress them, steal their land, destroy their health, murder their children and deceive anyone with each and every step.
As much they manipulate the past I will deny them their future and their entry in My coming kingdom.
Yes, My kingdom will come as My will be done under heaven as it is already established in heaven above – regardless if these people like it or not, it ‘will’ come.

Every soul one day shall bow their knees, no matter if they like it or not.
The ones who are mine, only briefly will bend their knees and then stand up and each and every step from that moment on will be in glory and joy beyond human comprehension. And though they will worship and bow down before My throne in My kingdom it will not be an act of humiliation, but of gratitude and love. My love will equip their knees with wings to make them fly in jubilation.

Some apparently will bow and quickly stand up and expect to enter paradise with the dream to walk on streets of gold, but will hear the words out of My mouth ″I never knew you, depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness!″
A horrific scene when they suddenly realize they never walked with Me, never kept My commandments, but wallowed in their doctrinal prosperity mindset, prepared a bed of roses for themselves, thinking they have healed the sick and cast out demons when only the devil played a deceptive show with them.

There will also be people before My throne who vowed their entire life, to never bow down before anyone in their pride, and in highest priority, never to bow down before Me.
But I will look upon them when they stand before Me, and even before I open My mouth, their knees will melt like wax and they will have no more strength remain standing.
In fear their voice will disappear and before they can take a breath trying to say anything, they will be escorted away from My holy presence into the place there I never wanted them to go, a place of excruciating pain and horror beyond words.

There they will meet the one whom they worship.
But instead to receive their promised false rewards, they will realize the weight of how much they have been deceived. And this is is far beyond the scale of how much they themselves have deceived their neighbors where I commanded to love.
Without love and mercy, all their wickedness, trickery, sorcery and abominations with their unrepentant hearts will follow them for all eternity.

What will you do with all your talents oh wicked men, when your ship sinks before you reach a safe haven?
As you chase after My beloved, the day will come when your chariots will stuck in the mud of your wickedness, and the waters of My wrath will drown you in the ocean of your own sin.
The gifts I have given you shall turn upside down and into burning blood.

You rejected My pure redemptive blood over and over, and so the blood you spilled on the corrupted streets of perversion will fall upon your own head.
Liquid sulfur will be the reward to still your thirst for evil lies and fiery brimstones shall be your daily bread to satisfy your hunger for power and greed.

Of those, who drank My holy blood and ate My bread of life, not one walks completely in My steps that I ordained.
A few of them do pretty well, but still they are a bit distracted by politics, religion and all the events of this world of which I said distractions will come with wars, rumors of wars and turmoil.
But sadly, the majority of My children are still too much focused on the waves, the storms and darkness around them, that they are not able to walk in faith across the troubled waters.

Why do you not ask Me to lead and guide your every step, each one as I have planned for you?

I warned you not to be deceived as I know the level of deception that one day will grow above your ability to withstand and would cause you to finally fall.
But until you are there, when I cut off time, to keep you in My arms, you do better to walk My steps and turn your main focus away from the beast system back fully unto Me.

Instead using your talents, too many meditate and philosophize on them or even wonder what they might be.
Look into you life and see:
Where do you see good fruit?
Where do you see righteousness and My glory?
Where do you see joy with thanksgiving?
Where do you see My hand and light?

Do you have eyes to see?
If not, ask Me to heal your blindness.
I am more than willing to open your eyes if you ask honestly in humble reverence to Me.

But I will ask you something more:
Are you willing to stop walking your own ways, even small steps?
Are you ready to calculate the cost before you build the house with (and for) Me?
Are you willing to stop building your own castle and stay in your tent, until I have taken your clay and formed it into the holy temple I want you to dwell and enjoy?

It’s not for your own desires, but to drag attentions to others, that they see what I am able to do, if I find some willing dirt.
To give your dust is not mandatory but it’s also not for personal prosperity.
I don’t force anyone to walk on water; one step at the time – is only I ask.

But if you want to walk the way, don’t be afraid of how dark the night, how high or the waves will be, but look at Me to be transformed into My full image and shine like Moshe, like when he came down the mount.
How much more is deep darkness afraid of My glory that dwells within you than how the children of Israel were afraid of the radiation of Moshe?
Darkness can’t stand the light and even less My light.

Will I find faith when I return?
Let the wicked people repent or die the death of dead who bury their dead, but you, My children, My dear disciples: follow Me!
Time is short and if you want to see signs and miracles as I promised, pick up your staff and follow Me with all the talents I have given you and enter the path I originally ordained for you.
It’s not too late to step out of Babylon and walk in faith like Avraham, and also walk like Chanoch walked with Me. Remember what I did for him.

Forget the past, regardless if you lived in Sodom and Gomorrah or the ways of men or just in ordinary ignorance for more.
Don’t look back like Lot’s wife because Zoar is waiting for you.

Where to go from there?
Ask Me and I will guide you, one step at the time, though soon you will be running – you have to run, very fast.
But as like an airplane increases the speed before take off, so you My beloved.
Whether it will be for you just a short heavy sprint or the exhausting fast final lap of a marathon doesn’t matter.
Run at the end with your highest beat of your heart, a heartbeat like mine, then you will have enough strength in your weariness.
Run every step in My steps, so at the end you will receive the prize that no-one can take away from you.

Whether you come with all talents increased, or just a little increased by some interest is not the most important.
But I will not accept the talent back together with all the dirt and filth you gained while buried it in the ground of this world.
I might wash the filth away and give the talent to someone else or the one who has the most, but you with the filth shall go into the filthiest place, where the worm doesn’t die and the unholy fire burns forever.

Though My ways are not your ways, but I can bring you into My path of righteousness where you can learn to walk in My ways.
And if you see there some people crossing your path, don’t hesitate to tell them there is a cross of separation at the crossroad, but the straight one leads into a wide road into destruction.
Tell about this cross at the road, that shows the better way which leads to life, yet a narrow path.
On this path into eternal life there are many bridges over troubled waters and the possibility to cross the deadly sea on certain sections like on dry land, but it’s not necessarily pleasant, like the wide road which is packed full with abominations for fleshly lust.
But in heavy storms, which are about to follow with increasing force one after the other, the narrow path brings you through all of them in joy and gladness.
Walk each and every step in thanksgiving and I will give you the treasures of heaven.

As long there is a ″but″ in your faith no matter the size of the but, you will not be able to walk on water or soar like an eagle.
If I tell you very clear your every step and remind you where I want you to walk, then don’t try with too many excuses to convince Me of another way.
You have a very low perspective of your own entire track and where you will face dangers or where you might end in a deceptive dead end trap.
If you refuse too much My will, I might send a fish to swallow you up and instruct him to spill you out at the destination of your calling.
I promise you, it will not be a pleasant transition.
Only if you walk faithfully in My will it will become glorious.

But if you are there and still don’t do what I have gifted and called you to do, you might see many beloved, friends and neighbors in Nineveh never hearing the clear call to repent and finally be burned in the lake of fire.
Whether your gift is just clean with silent prayer the roads in the filthy streets of the big corrupted city as a testimony of love that leads them into repentance, or if I have given you a loud voice of conviction to cry out on high places in the city of sin about My coming judgment and wrath so they will have no excuse and their blood is upon themselves if they don’t repent.
It’s your gifts and calling to walk with a heart of love that makes the difference, not your personal struggles or needs.

If you let me pick you up and place you beside a chariot of someone with a serious question, you might be wondering about the environment you will end and how it happened, including loads of uncertainties what you might answer, but believe ,that I am still the same, I was yesterday and will provide you with the answer to carry My salvation to the ends of the earth. My Holy Spirit is there to give you all the words you need. You don’t need to add your own theology and doctrines; My word is enough!

If you truly love Me you will trust and obey that My words were not spoken to enslave you but to bless you with the real blessing from above.
I do not change and My word of truth lasts forever.
I am always the same and will be forever and ever (Elohim), full of grace and mercy, slow to anger, full of lovingkindness, patience, the Way Truth and Life eternal.
Yet I am also holy and without holiness it’s impossible to stand before Me and walk the streets of pure gold in the place I have prepared for you.

End of Prophecy

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