Home 9 Words 9 Prophecy (Poetry) 2024/09/29 December… to Remember

Prophecy (Poetry) 2024/09/29 December… to Remember

Prophetic Word, given on 2024-09-29 ~2:00PM

This word I actually overlooked or almost forgot, but interestingly I recognized as I went on it that a few days later I received another word about the end of the year.
Both could go actually almost together as one, but I’ll leave it as it is in two posts.

But as it is again a poem, and comes with many metaphors, and many shortcut sentences, make sure you let the Holy Spirit lead and guide you through it.

Beginning of Prophecy:

At the end of December
Traditionally a lot to remember

2024 you call it this time by name
But your and My calendar are not the same

The end of that number you celebrate with a great big circus show
While some nations warm up their memories in icy snow

Media covers all headlines control all the lies
While they hide their evil agenda with all their ties

Wickedness tells them to report the devil’s will
To steal and destroy and his favorite game to kill

2024, just a random numeric human count
One of many fabrications Babylon had mount

Not important in My kingdom that is without end
Where My beloved eternity with Me will spend

25 will follow 24 I don’t care about your foolish list
Too many count on politics but repentance they have missed

To hope for 25 or 26 or twenty seven
Won’t bring you nor anyone else to heaven

Leaders one after the other will not change one thing
As they all have to agree with the corrupted king

The ones who put their hope in them, foolish they are
Is like driving without wheels, in a plastic car

You number every year but don’t calculate the cost
I paid the price but still so many get lost

Not before nor after my earthly birth your counting is right
Your division about it cause a very deep fight

Hear My words so you might get it correct
But until this day My truth most people neglect

I’m coming soon and you better bring your house in order
The day and hour the countdown is close at your border

The dawn is breaking of the seventh day
Come out of Babylon, far from sin stay away

Order out of chaos is knocking at the door
And just a few steps further the sound of the lion’s roar

Even the Jews don’t have their numbers right
And they neither look at Me in their daily fight

Big words about their power but in truth just feeble
Without My blood not more than ordinary sinful sheeple

Your trouble Yaacov will increase until you come back to Me
Not one of your man-made laws gives you access to the living tree

But for your own sake as well the world all the same
Turn from sin and sorcery, repent and know My name

For those not written in My book their end will be in terror
If you reject Me and My call it will become your greatest error

Jerusalem the heavy rock your numbers count your pain
For those who want to split it half, their nation, turn insane

There is no need to count the years if you walk against My will
Your blessings will be ground to powder, like olives in the mill

Just as dust is flying in the wind your memory will be blown away
Where I will not know you on the glorious judgment day

The tree you stroke, the branches you broke, everything in pieces
You did to Me and do not see, you continue with all evil as it pleases

While Yaacov in trouble My wrath will reach the ends
It is the time when I take care in miracles for My faithful friends

You better start to number your last and final days
And repent in ashes before I set the world ablaze

Counting numbers to Julian or Gregory is all in vain
It makes your future goals with laws just more insane

Those who build and count such things ignore Pharaoh’s demise
As he, My death and resurrection and My grace despise

If you could look into My calendar, quickly you would act
The urgency is undeniable it shows your end oh world is fact

Israel will continue fighting until the final hour’s turn
If you would learn from history you know how Rome did burn

The last one will be different to all fires seen before
Blazing waves roll to the shore above all those who do ignore

But between destructive fire will be great holy flames
Turn many desperate back to Me while others lose their names

The ones signed in My book not only numbers they will be
But the glorious ones soon standing on the crystal sea

Don’t count on days and years, twisted numbers fully turned
As most of human history real truth was truly burned

The day will also come when I’ll restore all things
For My bride, all My righteous ones those below My wings

Then you will know the day and hour and My actual year
Not far in numbers or human counting but so very near

Wait for My Spirit who teach My truth and open your ear
My word, the life in Me My holy scrolls speak so very clear

When I was born in flesh some people picked it to remember
But I never commanded nor to name a month December

A day when men designed defined it be it a holy day
A baby in a manger there in winter all men’s way

My calendar counts a very different way
Men kept the course which leads them far astray

You twisted day and hour, years and seasons all along
Corruption as your daily bread worship all what’s wrong

Not far in days will come another month December
If you have ears to hear My word, Remember

End of Prophecy

Links to the Videos on different Platforms – you can decide which one you prefer:


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