Home 9 Words 9 Word 2024/09/28 Warning to the war ministers

Word 2024/09/28 Warning to the war ministers

Prophetic Word, given on 2024-09-28 ~10:00AM

It was a bit difficult with the title that I want to keep short, because it actually contains two very different subjects, where I picked simply the first one.

As for metaphors and symbolic items as for the entire message, ask prayerfully that the Holy Spirit will lead and guide you in full understanding.
As there is not timeline given, so just wait and see how everything will play out…

Beginning of Prophecy.

Open your eyes and see if you have eyes to see and open your ears to hear if you have ears to hear.
Why do you counsel against Me and My anointed, Oh wicked rulers of this world?
King David, the man after My own heart saw it coming and here we are since thousands of years in the same story over and over again.
You don’t know anything else but to fight against Me.
When you go to war, you don’t go against other nations which you label as enemies, but you go against Me, against people created in My image.
The label ″enemies″ is just an excuse to find evil men who do the filthy work of murder.

Your excuse might have worked in manipulated human minds, but not before Me, because I see your deepest motivations.
And there I see, not even a tiny bit of righteousness in your hearts.
Mister Johnson, Trudeau, Obama, Albanese, Macron, Bush, Miss Clinton, Merkel and all the many others behind… with every breath you make, you come closer to My final words, when you shall stand before Me.
There you will hear one word, one single word.

From morning til evening you work, study, plan and trying to find ways to remove Me out of this world.
But remember, the world is Mine and all that’s in it.

If a thief and murderer breaks into a home, plunders and destroys and kills at will, will the owner just nod his head and say ″it’s okay″?
For generations, since the sun shines upon the earth people like you have done the same of what you are doing and believed there are no consequences.

More than any drug addict or prostitute you have been deceived.
These broken souls only think, their addictions might sweep away their problems.
But you oh wicked leaders and advisors of them believe you can sweep people away from the face of the earth, and then, all that was once theirs can become yours.
You err because you are more deceived than anyone else in this world.

The gates of Mister Gates will be closing soon and his wealth be ground to powder that will be scattered into the river of desperation and destruction, for his friends to drink with him until they are intoxicated to be completely blind to all truth until the eternal fire will bring their memories back.
Too late, too late you fools, your days in this world might continue a little while, but before Me they are numbered.
The rock will follow as you failed to listen and hear your own eternal fall.

All warnings you have heard, but without ears you were not able to hear them.
The only ears you have is for treason and corruption that connects straight to your selfish greedy heart.
One after the other, one day will cry to the rocks to fall upon you and still you will not be able to see, because you have no eyes to see.
The only thing you see is dollars, mammon and a selfish greedy mirror.
Nothing, even not your private army of evil company will save you from my coming wrath.
And the boiling blood against My love will smite you with your own plagues and even the pain of festering boils will not bring you into repentance but the more drive you to curse Me and My anointed.

Be silent My beloved when I talk to you.
You wont be able to hear Me if you are entangled in too many activities and focus on all distractive events in this corrupted world.
I promised, I will pour out My spirit upon all flesh and you are in the end of days.
If you have eyes to see you would see it is, what I am doing today in this day and hour.

It’s similar to what happens when you water your garden… there is good soil, bad soil and rocks, small and large.
The rocks might get wet on their surface by the water but how many plants do you see growing upon them?
As soon the sun looks on it in fear the water evaporates.
Between pebbles and gravel the water might stay a bit longer, but it will not give nutrition to any fruitful plant.

If My Spirit rain upon bad soil, it can cause two different effects.
Eventually it will sweep off the sinful debris and good soil will be left to give room for good fruit, or the little good soil will be washed away and bad company will remain, and at the end it will be worse as before, producing only bad fruit or none at all.
Keep ye My commandments, you of good soil. Let My word be the fertilizer in your life, so you will be able to produce a lot of good fruit that will last for all eternity.

Come out of Babylon as the children of Israel went out of Egypt.
You might stay for a little while in Goshen, but you have to get finally out.
Wait by the sea until I’ve made a passage for you to enter the promised land.
If the children of Israel would not have walked out of Egypt at the dark hour when I called them to leave, they would not have seen My mighty hand and outstretched arm and how I destroyed Pharaoh with his army before their very eyes.

So you, if you don’t go out of Babylon, you will not see My power with signs and miracles.
Leave now, but don’t carry their idols of gold and silver with you and even don’t carry the memory of social welfare or so-called peace and safety with you, Lot’s wife did it when they left Sodom and Gomorrah. You will face the same fate if you do the same with Babylons memory of wickedness.

As nothing new is under the sun and what was will be again, so, it’s time for you to make yourself ready to receive a big portion of My Holy Spirit.
Elisha received the double portion of EliYahu, so why are you staring after him in awe and don’t ask of anything?
Are you that speechless when you see My word and hear the chariots of My voice?
If you have eyes to see and ears to hear, open your mouth wide and I will fill it with your hearts desires if your heart is softened by My lovingkindness in My likeness to receive.

You have not seen the outpouring?
If you open your eyes you can see, if you have eyes to see.
If you have not heard of My miracles, open your ears and listen, if you have ears to hear.
Many more shall hear and see in the time of great calamity and desperation, of how I will open they eyes of the blind and the ears of the deaf.

The darker the night, the brighter I can shine in you, if you give Me space to dwell within you.
Don’t harden your hearts in bitterness like the children of Israel in Marah.
You don’t have to walk another 40 years to reach the promised land.
It’s your choice, how much longer you will be in the wilderness.
40 years, 40 months, 40 weeks, 40 days, 40 hours, 40 minutes or 40 seconds.
I can bring you there in no time if you trust and obey My voice and believe that I am who I am.

End of Prophecy

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