Home 9 Words 9 Word 2024/07/30 Big War in Israel, not ″IF″ but ″WHEN″

Word 2024/07/30 Big War in Israel, not ″IF″ but ″WHEN″

Prophetic Word, given on 2024-07-30 around 5:30PM while riding the bicycle

As always ask the Lord in prayer to give you wisdom and understanding, guided by the Holy Spirit.

Beginning of prophecy:

It’s not a question ″IF″ but a matter of ″WHEN″.
Israel, I urge you, prepare for big war or repent!
People design charts with timelines, of when, what shall happen.
But they do it with a broken understanding of time.

Your time is in My hand but since there exist no time in My kingdom (in heaven), human counting or predictions will always fail.
Even your weather forecast of the next month is more accurate than your calculation of prophetic events, foretold in scripture.

Yonah was very angry when I did not destroy Nineveh on day 40 of his counting, after he had announced it throughout the entire big city.
Some pharisee-types labeled him as a false prophet, but the majority of the people repented and were simply glad, nothing serious happened but forgot the warning and instructions after a while.

And for you oh Israel…
A big devastating war hovers over your head.
If I would act like men or the crooked leaders of this world, the big red button would have been already pressed and glow in raging bright hot fire.

I have warned you many times to turn from your evil ways.
Nineveh repented in sackcloth and ashes by the word of only one stubborn prophet.
Shall the donkeys speak to you oh Israel?
How many time would you reject to listen to a righteous animal?
As often as to Bilam (Baalam), 10, 20, 50, 100 or even a 1,000 times?
Endless times and you still beat him to obey your sorcery and idolatry.
You would even not listen if I would send a pink flying elephant in midst the Knesset to give a piercing speech with a dreadful warning like Yonah.
Into the china shop of your witchcraft he will go.

You have sneaked into the Church of Smyrna and Philadelphia, trying to drag by your queens the children away from Me and if possible you would do it with those who trust and obey Me.
One day, yes, one day, Yaacov, you will see your troubles at the door.
Your intimidation’s shall not be successful but reverse and turn into a testimony of salvation instead starvation and into greater blessings for those who love Me.

I have called you to be a set apart people, holy unto Me.
Why do you act, think and speak like the pagans, and often even worse?
Don’t say, we are the Jews and because of this we are blessed and protected and never anything bad will happen to us.
Don’t be deceived, what you sow you will reap.
There is neither Jew nor Gentile that can escape the fire, but only those who are in Me, the only one Mashiach.
And only by true repentance a big war can be postponed or diminished.
If you start to repent after the war is in full swing, it may only reduce the duration, but just only a tiny bit the intensity.

My call for your to turn from your evil ways is NOW.
Obedience exists only in the present, it is vanity in the past or in the future.
You can’t turn time back and forth as you desire.
Trust and obey My word NOW or get the surprise that I may stay away from you for a few seconds.
And don’t marvel of how many things that can happen within a second.

Mammon won’t help you when the missiles are raining down.
Your iron dome shall become cumbersome with a syndrome of a missing chromosome and to be helpful like a piece of Styrofoam.

Remember the days in Egypt how you cried out to Me and how I rescued you from the hand of Pharaoh.
But as long your streets are filled with the filth of Sodom and Gomorrah, I will not visit you.
Don’t think I will close My eyes and let you continue with your perversion.
There is not enough water in this world to wash away the blood on your hands.
From Chevel (Abel) over the streams of blood during war, up to the blood of innocent children, all blood cries out to Me.
The only blood that can wash your sins away is My blood that I shed for you – for all people.

Do you actually know what will happen if I truly would close My eyes?
Close your eyes and drive a car through a big busy city and you’ll know the answer.
If I turn my eyes away from you, woe to you, all the light will turn to deepest darkness and hope escapes.
But since I have a small remnant in your midst, I can’t close My eyes, because My hearts desire is to watch their each and every step, to go before them and surround them with My shield.

War comes, and you can decide by your obedience or disobedience to My word and not according to the traditions of the elders, when it comes, how severe it will be and how long it shall last, including how many names will be taken away.
I don’t have a fixed timeline as you chamberlains of theology.
I don’t need numbers to proof My right to exist or to make profit from speculations somewhere online.
I numbered your days and you do better to learn that to gain a heart of wisdom instead trying to teach others about things you don’t know.

End of Prophecy

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