Home 9 Music 9 Album The Shepherd and The Bride 9 Where is my Shepherd

Where is my Shepherd

The Shepherd and the Bride

This song speaks partly of the parable of the lost sheep and lost son in Luke 15.
Many times I am wondering if there is a good shepherd and a good father that loves us.
I wrote that song as well from a personal perspective.
But at the same time it is a prophetical cry for the lost sheep of Israel from all the 12 tribes wherever they are scattered throughout the world.
From that viewpoint I also reflect the ladder of Jacob in Genesis 28 to find the eternal home in heaven.
The ladder that is basically the Messiah Yeshua, The Way The Truth and The Life.
And He is the only way to the Father in Heaven.

Title: Where is my Shepherd

Studio Version: The song complete

Live Version – only with Guitar

Live as Video:

To buy that song: go to the Collection at Pond 5, linked in the album-cover below

The Shepherd and The Bride


Feel like a shadow of myself
A little sheep outside the fold
Lost alone on mountain paths
and valleys deep and dark and cold

Searching for the way to go
How can I know which one it is
right, left, or straight ahead
no signs, no, nothing can I see

Seems utterly impossible
where or how to find (the) my way
hidden, buried, and concealed
impossible it is for me

Where is the shepherd ?
Where’s the bride ?
Where the golden gated city?
Where’s the ladder ?
Lost in time ?
My home……does it exist for me?

Musical interlude:

Ascending to a higher point
Through dust and silent fog below
A bridge…… across that empty sea
To separate captivity?

A quiet Voice that calls my name?
was it an echo from the sun?
But now another, casting blame?
in laughing language of the moon?

Ref. rep.
Where is the shepherd ?
Where’s the bride ?
Where the golden gated city?
Where’s the ladder ?
Lost in time ?
My home……does it exist for me?

A Shepherd on that distant bridge…
Was that His voice that I just heard?
The other, rising from the pit
This cannot be, this is absurd
this is absurd – this is absurd
no no-no this cannot be…noooo

Musical interlude

But drawn toward that still sweet voice
from yonder bridge under the sun
the shadow of my soul in hope
will move toward the Distant One

Where is the shepherd ?
Where’s the bride ?
Where the golden gated city?
Where’s the ladder ?
Lost in time ?
My home……does it exist for me?

Refrain X1:
Do I see the shepherd
there with his bride
the golden city
the ladder
through time
My home…. it may exist for me

Refrain X2:
It is the shepherd
there with his bride
the shining city
where I will abide
my home….. it does exist
my home… in heaven… it does exist!