Shalom from Jerusalem, May You all Be Blessed!
This Message is about Fulfillment, Us and Loved One’s, Blessing’s and not Cursing’s, A people Ready!
YESHUA is Coming for His Bride very Soon!
This Message will be in two part’s, !
What was the Will of YESHUA in His Restoring Work back to Him?
Our Whole Heart’s, Innocent, in His Holiness, Higher Way’s, Restored, Blessed….! Destiny’s!
We can know from His Word’s and Prayer!
The Image of Him! A re-creating Work, YESHUA came to Fulfill in Us!
Some already know this, this is for the purpose to give some Truth’s out of His Word and knowing “our Part” in it.
This is only a partial Look ( Picture ) at some Parallel’s to His Prayer in John 17.
It is about our Testimony’s and The Testimony’s out of His Word.
There are some wonderful Hebrew verse’s that may help in understanding.
The Word “Perfected”. And the Thread thru-out the Whole Word with it’s Beautiful meaning and Picture.
I will give some of the verse’s in the Thread, there are many.
They go to YESHUA’S Prayer in John 17 and “Word’s from YESHUA” ( WFY). the Book of Revelation is being fulfilled now.
There is Revelation in the “Perfecting” Work YESHUA is wanting to do to Restore Us. People unto Him to be ( come ) Perfected, John 17:23, verse :17,19 His Truth Becoming our Holiness. And made Herself Ready, Rev. 19:7-. One can know, to make Herself Ready! :8 fine Linen, (“Innocent”/Blameless, without sin, or transgression). to become Blessed! We have a part in those Blessing’s.
In Luke 1:16-17, Turn the Heart’s…..the disobedient…… make ready a people “Perfect” and prepared for YHWH
This is taken from the aramaic translation, the aramaic translation of the N.T. give’s alot of insight from the writing’s of the Apostle’s and is more accurate.
We can know what He want’s for Us! See “Word’s from YESHUA” (WFY).
His prayer in John 17 was His Heart, His Amazing Love for Us (:9) who He Prayed for. It must have been Important to Him! :10 Glorified in them. His Disciple’s Gloified YESHUA, so we can know!
(WFY), Broken Hearted until they return and become “One”. Act’s 2:1, One Mind.
(WFY) They will have His Heart and Mind.
He want’s our Whole Heart! “One”.
Remember YESHUA want’s to put His Living Torah in our Inward part’s and Heart! Jer.31:33 ( Torah ), Complete!
YESHUA is the Living Torah/Word!
Read Psa 40: (8-Torah in His Heart) We know that Psa. is about YESHUA, it is about us also. Mal. 4:4 is a Reminder! Came to make it Full in Us. To be Like Him!
A Picture! (WFY), They will be the Mirror, the mirror Image of me.
Key to Understanding what He want’s to do and will do! If we will…….King David and /KephaPeter His Disciple’s had the Key’s.
His Torah is “Perfect” ( it is Tamiym, see below ) Psa. 19:7-14, Vs. :13 Declare me “Innocent”, Upright/”Perfect”, That whole psalm is Revealing!
Even want’s to take away sickness and Sin Nature and All Curse’s (Very Important to Us, our Loved One’s and Him), see Duet.28-30, Blessing’s and Cursing’s. Not even as believer’s have we seen and known only the Blessing’s, that He want’s to pour out. We can receive the Fulness He has to be Blessed beyond what we have known or experienced!
We have seen and known the Disease’s, cancer’s, Heart and stroke’s, etc., Loss of Life early on in year’s.
YESHUA does not want that for Us. Never, then or now! I mentioned before, Ex. 23:25, Duet. 7:15.
He said it He will do it, We can know our part in Him doing it.
“Perfected” and it’s Important meaning is from the” Hebrew ” Word it came from.
A Pattern from the beginning and into Revelation for us in His Higher Way’s, Isa. 55:8-9. They were for Us also.
It is found in many place’s in His Word and has many Wonderful meaning’s from two Hebrew letter’s, Tav, Mem, pronounced (Tawm) and is singular, see Gen. 25:27, Yaacov was Tawm ( english trans. Lack’s in understanding not giving whole true Meaning ). (Yaacov was Perfected, Innocent, Blameless in Elohim’s Eye’s).See Psa. 84:11, ……..Who Walk Blamelessly ( Tamiym ). Tamiym is the plural of Tawm. It is found in the Ephod worn by the High Priest along with the Urim ( light ). Ex. 19:5-6/1kepha/ptr 2:5, for then and now.
The True Complete Hebrew Meaning goes to the thread. A Beautiful Picture for All, If we will…….
The meaning’s from just a few letter’s is Immense from this Hebrew Word and it is to be “Innocent” ( with-out Blemish ), Perfection’s, Blameless, with-out spot, up right, gentle, dear, integrity, sound, Full, undefiled, Truth, Whole,Completeness, from singular and plural.
Please Pray to Hear what the Spirit is Speaking in these time’s, there is Much being Revealed for Us to know.
Matt. 6:33 and His Kingdom Higher Way’s.
More… see Part 2