Prophetic Word/ Poetry, given on 2023-01-16 23:00
Make sure you ask the Holy Spirit to give you wisdom and understanding what to do with this word.
Since this again is a sort of a poem, the grammar might be way further off as it is usually.
Yet the more you need the help of the helper, the Holy Spirit who will guide you through all the metaphorical elements.
So this word came a bit unusual.
As I was writing the title for the video lately about the Wicked Evil Forum meeting in Davos I actually made a typing mistake and by that the Holy Spirit started speaking to me.
The title of that video was actually Pray Pray Pray, but I wrote initially Pray Pray Pay.
Start of Prophecy:
Pray pray pray
Or else you have to pay
Times like never before
Famines, calamities right at the door
In a twinkling of an eye things will turn
and you will see how sin will burn
The city of adultery and pedoporn
More disgusting things are to be born
Mad insanity rising up high to the sky
While all the ignorant are wonder why
The show will blow it all in pieces
And peace be gone for evil as it pleases
My Shofar sound you hear will also blow
As faith of many start get very low
Falling apart and so many falling away
As most the world has been led utterly astray
Yet to you My children I’m happy to announce
While still you have many up and downs
But soon not anymore
The day to come and you adore
My presence flood the hearts of those of Mine
And this is just another single sign
All the faithful those who truly love Me
Keep My commandments shall be free
When I command you home to heaven
Make sure your heart is free of leaven
I paid the price, for you it’s time to pray
It’s paid by Grace no matter of what others say
All those who reject My mercy as an offer
Will stay forever with the great dark scoffer
A few more years will follow then in terror
Where some will recognize their great big error
Their payment will be their own head to roll
But at least to save their bloody soul
The lake of fire never was invented, for you men
Remember your free will for now, and for then
Eternity with Me in heaven or deep underground in hell
Below is the place of torture and of rotten smell
The only way to escape is by My Grace
And through the cross you see My Fathers Face
Before the face of earth will turn to gloom
Some will be with Me the groom out of the doom
Decorated, finished is the wedding room
While the world will wobble like a baby in the mothers womb
One day spilled out the evil snake, a reckless birth
Ready to create new heavens and new earth
Pray to be found worthy cling to Me and pray
Or else great tribulation is what you have to pay
End of prophecy
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