Prophetic Word (24/12), given 2024-03-22 ~15:00
The Solar X-clipse America/ darkness…
As always, before you listen or read the transcript, ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you through this word for wisdom and understanding, especially with the metaphorical pieces.
Beginning of Prophecy:
Everybody speaks about the coming solar eclipse crossing America.
But only a few talk about the total eclipse in the hearts of men and in society.
Dark, darkened by sin, just like the outer darkness where all those have to go, who don’t repent.
The people in Nineveh understood and turned away from their evil ways.
Witchcraft, sorcery and worship of idols and demons was their daily bread – as this darkens hearts and minds.
Who would repent today if a prophet like Jonah would walk back and forth in a big city from one end to the other over and over again?
He would be ridiculed and mocked instead.
Even from out of the windows children and cattle would laugh about him in highest pitches.
And in some cities he would be cast into jail for several or no reasons, while at the same time the police would prepare the streets to be cleansed from dirt and homeless people to make room for one after the other LGBTQ parade or blaspheming show.
And not only this, lawlessness that is already being promoted on every corner, every billboard will announce wickedness as the greatest advancement, joy and achievement mankind ever found.
Sackcloth and ashes is gaining dust while blasphemy and lawlessness is having a triumphant season, leading hearts of men in an eclipse mode into a freezing status, where there is no more love left.
Not much longer and darkness will see it’s shadow.
Darkness like in Egypt comes.
Where are the churches that preach repentance?
It’s like a ladybug with one single tiny dot, while her twin sister who preach prosperity-folklore has hundreds of dots.
I’ll bring you home My beloved children, and great awards waiting for those who have kept themselves pure and spotless.
Yes, you all have sinned and fall short of My glory, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be pure and spotless enough to be My bride.
With your daily bath in My blood and My word and a heart of forgiveness, your sins, spots and wrinkles are washed away.
I am waiting and look forward to meet you and take you with Me to be together forever.
How happy will be the moment when I will present you before My Father and tell Him how much you mean to Me and your love, that is like after My own heart.
Is there hope for this world?
Heaven and earth will pass away, only My word remains forever.
Yet by this, there is hope for the people in this world.
Those who turn from their wicked ways and come to Me in honest repentance will be saved and their total eclipse of their hearts can be turned into a total fire of My love.
Darkness has covered the world as the water the oceans.
But those who follow Me shall shine brighter than the sun and streams of living waters shall overflow their hearts and be poured out from their bellies wherever they go.
The solar eclipse will pass through America and disappear, but darkness will remain, unless the people there repent and turn from their sins that already reaches up to heavens.
I don’t send (many) more warnings.
Turn from your wicked ways or else your darkness will be darker than the darkness in Egypt.
Weeping and wailing will be great and sudden destruction will come upon you like birth pain upon a pregnant woman – and indeed you will not be able to escape.
IrmeYahu (Jeremiah) wept buckets over a sinful nation that has turned away from Me and My good commandments, which I created for their blessings.
How many lakes would he fill today is he could see your sins, oh America?
Including another ocean for Israel, a nation that I have commanded to be a holy people, yet they are worse than the people who once have been driven out of their land into Babylon – and there they reside still to this very day .
And there they continue to play with the whore, day after day, night after night.
Some more lakes of tears for the rest of the world as all of them have planted abominable fruits in their gardens.
And there it grows and grows into darkness into an eclipse of souls.
My beloved children share the tears of all those whom have been killed in the mothers wombs. These tears are as many as the waters above.
My beloved, not much longer and your battle is over.
I see your patience, I see your pain… how shall I not act on your behalf?
Only a tiny step for you in midst dark eclipses on filthy ground… and then…before you even realize you will find yourself walking on streets of gold that is like transparent glass.
I have not forgotten you and My timing is perfect.
You see what many prophets of old desired to see.
Rejoice when you see those things because it declares My coming that is at hand.
End of Prophecy
A few scripture verses that go with this word: Jonah chapter 3, Exodus 11:21, Romans 3:23, Ephesians 5:27, Matthew 24:35, 1 Thessalonians 5:3, Revelation 21:21, Luke 10:24
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