Home 9 Words 9 Word 2023-08-01 The Rapture – We discuss…

Word 2023-08-01 The Rapture – We discuss…

Prophetic Word, given on 2023-08-01

I did not made a note about the time I’ve received it, and I think I have already crossed another time zone by that day and the clocks were anyway not set properly.

This prophecy also contains some metaphors, and some figurative and poetic elements.
But as always, before you listen or read, ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you through this prophecy.

Beginning of Prophecy

You discuss, you quarrel, you study, your argue arguments and verses (of the bible) to proof your position.
But the question will not disappear if there will be a rapture… pre, mid or post.
Pre some say, no, mid will be the hit.
But wait til the end another group comes to defend.

Who’s right, who is wrong you ask?
Will be there a delay (in My return) as yours is every day?
Your delay is, that you don’t sit at My feet when it’s time to sit and listen.

Is the time in the morning, afternoon or at night, you discuss, quarrel and argue?
For some it is in the morning, but not for all.
There are some who are called to sit at My feet in the afternoon yet (some of them) wait and come at night.
And those at night wait (to come) until it is morning – and even then, they are late.
Yet as long as they come I am happy.

Some, oh sadly many hardly ever appear before Me.
And then, when troubles hit they cry out to Me in anguish and pain deep from their own emptiness instead in holy fear.
And for the rapture:
For some it will be in the morning, for others in the afternoon or for others at night.

The moment I will take My bride will not be delayed.
Not one second.
The moment when I come, many will not be ready but foolish warmongers without oil in their lamps.

Klaus Schwab, the president of the United States and the United Nations captain come together to plan the plot to bring the pot and the pan for the frogs to a boiling point.
Yet wait til the day when I will boil them according to My righteousness and justice.

But you oh My faithful ones, don’t fear and don’t discuss, quarrel and argue about what they can or want to do.
They can’t do anything without My permission.
Focus on Me and My word that never passes away.
Evil will pass away one day and burn in the lake of fire and those who join the devils call and don’t repent will burn with it.

My beloved, your time to see Me face to face is so near.
Don’t waste time with all your discussions about things you don’t know but only the Father in heaven.
Make sure your names are written in the Lambs book of life.

Long ago I told My disciples to watch and pray yet they were not able to stay awake with Me for one hour.
But the hour is now to wait and watch out for My coming.
Your discussions and arguments don’t change anything.
The only thing it changes is the relationship between the brethren, where the accuser is more than happy to see you divided – he rejoices, especially over a question of no relevance.

I told you that I will return and My word is true.
I am the same yesterday, today and forever, and my promises are yes and Amen.

The (false) Schwab, the non-existing president and the devil’s captain of the fake unity will alter and pass away.
Wait in Me and you will see one day everything (you need to see) before My throne.

Trust and obey of what I have said and all discussions, quarrel and arguments will fade like a flower and the grass on the field.
Seek Me day and night, in the morning, afternoon and at night and you will not miss your rapture.

I will take you in the perfect moment when men are eating and drinking like in the days of Noach.
Suddenly in a twinkling of an eye the flood of My love will snatch you out of this world to be with Me forever.

Nothing can change your destination if you cling to Me.
Whether trials, tribulation, sunshine, beauty, life or death.
Nothing is able to change it.
Be of good courage – I Am and I am coming.

End of prophecy

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