Word 2024/06/12 Hitler, yesterday and today

Word 2024/06/12 Hitler, yesterday and today

Prophetic Word 2024-06-12 Hitler, yesterday and today Note: in this video I have a word that took quite a while to write it down because I was definitely not pleased to hear about this guy and additionally some people might think or say, oh, this is just made up stuff...
Word 2024-06-05 The fall of Babylon and then…

Word 2024-06-05 The fall of Babylon and then…

Prophetic Word, given on 2024-06-05 around 6:30 PM Note: Before you listen or read this word, pray that the Holy Spirit will lead and guide you through it for understanding and wisdom. This word is somehow a collection of biblical events, translated as something like...
Word 2024/05/30 Your enemies & My enemies

Word 2024/05/30 Your enemies & My enemies

Prophetic Word, given 2024-05-30 during the night. Info: This word came somewhere in the middle of the night, don’t know exactly when, but I was not excited to write it down and finally turned around to sleep – it could have been 1 o clock. Then maybe 2 hours...
Word 2024-05-24 Wonders on fire, Babel and Babylon falling

Word 2024-05-24 Wonders on fire, Babel and Babylon falling

Prophetic Word, given on 2024-05-24 ~18:00 (during worship) Note: Please consider that this word has a good amount of metaphors and figurative wordings/ elements. So make sure you ask the Holy Spirit to guide you for wisdom and discernment about meaning,...
Word 2024/05/11 HE came and will return

Word 2024/05/11 HE came and will return

Prophetic Word 2024-05-11 18:00 during worship Note: Before you listen or read this word, please ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you for further wisdom and understanding in all things according to Yeshuas grace. The more as it contains some metaphors and...