Message 2024/21 (Month 10) US s’Election Harris / Trump

Message 2024/21 (Month 10) US s’Election Harris / Trump

Message 2024/21 (Month 10) US s’Election Harris / Trump Message 2024/21 (Month 10) I need to say that I am very glad to be far away from America – hard to say the correct distance, because it depends if you measure on a globe, a flat or a biblical earth. Anyway,...
Word/ Poetry 2024-10-22 The Storm(s) and the Noise

Word/ Poetry 2024-10-22 The Storm(s) and the Noise

Prophetic word, given on 2024-10-22 around 10:30PM Note: this is again in a form of a poem and contains loads of metaphors and figurative elements where some of it is also kinda cryptic (if this is the correct definition). So ask the Lord prayerfully that the Holy...
Word (Poetry) 2024/10/10 America: Your End is near

Word (Poetry) 2024/10/10 America: Your End is near

Prophetic Word (Poetry) 2024-10-10 10:10AM Note: America in this word means the US, not sure if all North America with Canada, but definitely it doesn’t include Latin and South America. I received it on day 10 of the 10 month in the secular year 2024 at 10 in...
Word 2024/10/04 One step at the time… til the end

Word 2024/10/04 One step at the time… til the end

Prophetic Word, given on 2024-10-04 One step at the time ~5:00 PM Note: Actually, a good portion in this word is for believers, whether you label them Christians or disciples or whatever. As this word includes also several metaphors and figurative elements, I ask you...