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Message 2024/21 (Month 10) US s’Election Harris / Trump

Message 2024/21 (Month 10) US s’Election Harris / Trump

Message 2024/21 (Month 10)

I need to say that I am very glad to be far away from America – hard to say the correct distance, because it depends if you measure on a globe, a flat or a biblical earth.

Message 2024-21 (Month 10) US Elections Harris-Trump
Anyway, poor people in America I would say, who have a choice between pestilence and cholera when it comes to elections. Does it make a difference which one they chose? Of course, another face, another name, that’s a great difference, isn’t it? Well, on the other hand, some countries have 10 or more parties in the parliament, so what… There it also doesn’t matter who’s their front puppet when politics itself remains the same or technically speaking which face gets controlled by the Antichrist system.


But before I go into the subject some announcements:
In a few days I will move again to another location, where I will be probably 2 or 3 months, and then – to the next renovation project. I can’t say how reliable internet will be there or if there will be some sort of data limitations. So, if it becomes a bit more quiet on this channel for a while, then for the reason I am not able to upload all the stuff so easily or quickly.

But now to the US elections:
The question surely arises why do I come up as a non American about the upcoming US elections?
Well, simply, first of all, because I can… and it also affects me in some ways. But anyway, why did I chose such a subject for a message, when I usually don’t like to talk about politics or stuff like that?

Hopefully you also realized by now that politics is not more than a clown show or whatever name you might give, to keep the population entertained – bread and circus said the Romans. Nothing but deception and distraction – uuuh!!! why do I waste my time on that? But you know… why not every now and than having a click bait title? Okay, just kidding, it is how it is…

Anyway, if your still believe the 2020 hoax was legitimate without any fraud, may you simply just switch the channel, because it might not for you.

May some of you remember all the words from several or even many, especially the big online prophets, or shall I say profits, claiming: Trump will be back within days, weeks or a few months, or at least before the 2024 election show. Well, not much time for them left to eventually find words to apologize they were simply wrong, or their prophetic thoughts were rather some sort of wishful thinking. But I assume they will twist and turn it anyway, and decorate it with great rhetoric, to let it appear as if their prophecies were accurate and correct and only the ones who criticize got it wrong. And more so, if he is able to become President again through this coming event. I’m not listening to them anyway – have no time for that.

I know what wishful thinking is – do you? I guess you do!
I had dreams about certain things occurring there that I would love to see happen in real life actually… but, still nothing in sight and some things definitely will not be able to come to pass even if I pray 30 hours every day with great faith. Surely, I have many wishful desires like to have my own farm… but definitely I don’t put my trust in politics or this system.

Well, I had some other dreams about politics, and in two of them, Trump was the main figure. And both dreams were not about his return as president, but instead left me very much puzzled of who he truly is, at least in the dreams can be understood more in a direct way. I am not sure if I shared both dreams, but at least one, though I left the interpretation upon the listener.

But now… Harris and Trump, or vice versa.
Hey, where is Biden? Bye bye …….. by then … bye then!
Okay, the reason he was taken off, probably because it’s not so easy to convince the people to vote for a dead man or an actor. Though scripture might give a hint that at one point in time people will vote (in quotes) for an image and worship it, so I assume, there are already plenty “sheeple” around who would have been voting for Biden. But that’s history and I’ll leave it ‘histroyed’….

Anyway, I hope my information is right that these two, Harris and Trump are still the candidates to become the next US president, basically democrats against republicans. I never heard any other party played even a tiny role in that show. So in other words, blue communists against red communists, or however you address them. Maybe Marxists, Fascists, Terrorists, Leftists, or whatever “…ist’s” But if this info (Harris and Trump) is not correct or has changed, I apologize because I hardly ever watch the Punch and Judy show… Red or blue or left or right or wrong or whatever the moonstream liars label them…

But no matter, who will make it or in whatever way shape or form it gets done, I guess many, if not most people are thinking, what will be, or how will things turn out for America if Harris becomes president – and the same question of course will arise, what if Trump will make it. Even for me, far away from America it surely has an impact on my life in some ways, very much who will get the microphone there in America. Though the US is in a fast decline, but still is a main player in the globalist matrix. That’s why I bring up this message.

There are just a few cans of worms of the many, I want to open and look upon both sides: First, I think it is very easy to answer, how these two will respond to the migration or alien invasion. Both certainly very contrary (if they are allowed to). With the Dems at the helm, it will not turn out nice for the American people and with Trump it will not continue to remain so pleasant for the migrants as currently – very simple I think.

The conflict in Israel is definitely much more difficult to predict.
If Harris will run America, I would say it’s unpredictable from which direction the wind will blow. Maybe that rather depends on the one who pulls her strings.

With Trump it’s a difficult question as well, but it looks to me with him, Israel might receive unlimited support, except the Antichrist system commands him (at one point maybe) to stop or even force Trump to establish a 2-state solution. It’s a bit a cutting edge situation on that subject for him, and perhaps a bit a conundrum.

On the other hand, Israel, according to scripture one day will anyway go alone. So with the current actions and all the slaughter that’s going on, whether you agree with it or not, the tendency is clear. We don’t know the propaganda, what’s true and what’s fake. And it’s not a matter on which side you stand, because it is written how things will turn out. I don’t like what’s going on, or how they achieve their goals, but the scripture is just clear. And if this is the way it has to be done, for all nations to go against Israel at one point, so it’s God’s will whether we understand or accept it or not. And it doesn’t matter if Harris or Trump or anyone else will be the president of the US. Since over a year I anyway prefer avoid talking about that subject.

But now…continue:
China with Taiwan I might leave out, because at the end the main purpose for that island is possibly only more strategic for military or eventually a few natural resources, which I don’t know what they have, but all in all I think nothing so extreme crucial trying to go into a big military confrontation with China, from both sides (Harris or Trump). I have not heard Taiwan has a lot of oil reserves, then it might be clear what would happen, and it’s anyway all about money. As long America or the big corporations can still receive the cheap technology from China, then… Taiwan might be, might remain, or might become some sort of a nasty thorn in the flesh if China takes it – but… I think… that’s it.

And by the way, just want to remind you, this message is not a prophetic word, and if everything turns another way, so be it, I just throw some options where you can have your own. (Though) the most of my messages are prophetic words, but this is NOT!

Now Russia with Ukraine is surely a complete different level.
If Harris makes it… I don’t think she has even a slight clue of what is truly going on and regarding that conflict she has surely no other choice but to follow the orders of the background players with the military industrial complex on top of it. And I think, it’s not NATO in my opinion but all the greedy war corporations that wants the conflict keep on going, the longer the better. If they want more money, the presidents have to do what they command, or else… either resign or to be ″resigned″… in worst case forever.

But before I come to Trump on Ukraine I want to drop in something else about him. Did he not say, he will drain the swamp? (already the last time) This always made me laugh, even in all sadness of it’s swampy implications. In one of my dreams it showed clear if Trump does not submit 100% to Yeshua and the Holy Spirit, all the frogs in the swamp will continue to jump around in joyful madness without a drop of water being drained out of their dark territory. And in the other dream it looked like more, he is himself in the swamp. To drain the swamp is a great idea, but who knows, how deep Trump himself is stuck already in the swamp and how much he is even truly able to move his legs to drain the swamp around him?

But about his take on Ukraine I saw a teaser of an article lately, where he supposedly claimed, if he becomes president, the conflict in Ukraine will be solved within 24 hours. I thought, yeah, very interesting… how will he accomplish this?

Will he send a warning to Putin, saying, if he doesn’t withdraw all his troops within a day from Ukraine, America will nuke Russia to the ground? And who knows even the truth of nukes. How much will Russia trust America or generally the western block after they had broken all promises since decades? I don’t know the playbook, but I don’t think Trump will be able to restore the trust for Russia.

Oh by the way, with the warnings, not only to withdraw all troops from Ukraine, but also allow them to immediately join NATO and give permission that they can place their entire nuclear arsenal, all the missiles, long range, short range, whatever range into Ukraine, very close to the Russian border – will this not be a great deal? No more cheating from the west, just say it directly and clear.
And yes, definitely Russia also need to give back Crimea to Ukraine, and the military base they have there, just hand over to the Americans (a nice deal, right?). And don’t forget Russia has to re-build all bio-weapon labs in Ukraine they destroyed. What else? Maybe to pay, many trillions of reparations, for all the destruction in Ukraine and especially to replace all damaged weapons of American military equipment. And the icing on the cake, Trump might force Russia to give America free oil and gas for the next 1000 years and not a single drop to anyone else! So does the list sound good for a 24 hour solution?

I am sure it will become very dangerous for Putin, because there is a risk he will laugh about it to death. And all within 24 hours. If Donnie would have said within one hour I would consider it to be very realistic, because it is biblical, though not on Russia but for Babylon – and you can guess who Babylon is.

With Harris the one hour destruction scenario I guess won’t work, because I don’t think her IQ is high enough to establish anything in that direction. But with Trump there are also two options: The above mentioned 24 hour nonsense that will possibly only be possible with a direct confrontation, though I think he is clever enough not to do so. But those who hate him, though somehow they all work anyway together, but they might trigger something to have a way to blame everything on Trump, if they decide him to become president.

And about elections:
Wondering why most people still believe in such a thing called elections. Does not history made it very clear that doesn’t truly exist? How much more proof we need after 2020? If this was not enough evidence, what else can wake the sleepy majority up? But yes, we have not really a choice except to stay away which also doesn’t change anything. All for the purpose to believe, we are living in a democracy (when such a thing doesn’t exist).

So let’s keep the ball rolling with the ritual for ordinary voting animals to give their pick for people who mostly don’t care about the nation, but except for themselves. And if they dare to care, their political engagement will not last much longer if they are in a position of influence actually – the one way or the other. At the end, Blackrock, Vanguard, Rothshild, Rockefeller and all similar wicked entities or NGO’s set the rules, not politicians.

The only proper government would be a monarchy. And there, either you have a good or a bad king, today labeled typically as dictators or tyrants, whether they are, nor not.

Biblical history is clear, the majority of kings were wicked, so don’t expect anything new under the sun. And when we look around the so-called democratic elected people, what’s the difference at the end, to the dictators, tyrants or kings? The different parties, whether 2 like in America or 10, 20, 50 or hundreds in other countries… they promise some stuff that sounds good, just for the reason to get elected, but as soon they’re in power, they do whatever they like or whatever they have been instructed to do. How many of them do truly care about people of their nation and keep their promises? Or I am wondering, are the voters so wicked that they don’t know anything else, but to vote for their own demise and destruction? If so, then it shows, they simply deserve it. Of what I see, it’s just a big show and behind the scenes the numbers in the computers get jumbled up to match the programmed results? Today much easier than in the earlier days with hand counting, but even there, just drop a box and you have a desired result. You can answer that question for yourself or make your research.

Remember, one day Yeshua will rule with a rod of iron and separate the sheep and the goats. But He will also reign in righteousness and justice, which to me is a mystery how this works when a billion people have two billion opinions on righteousness.

Nevertheless, with Harris or Trump, you can only chose the lesser disaster, but neither from Harris nor Trump you should expect they keep their promises. They might keep some, maybe accidentally a few more, but all in all just a few drops on a hard stone.

Do you expect grace mercy and lovingkindness from Harris or Trump? If so, then go and drop your vote, but don’t complain if you get disappointed afterwards – more or less.

That’s why I only vote for Yeshua, because I know He will keep all his promises because He is the promise of eternal life, full of grace, mercy and lovingkindness – and all He does it for our best, even if we are often not doing what is good for us. He don’t care about money and fame, because He don’t need to – He has already the absolute authority.

But one thing is definitely clear, the elections will be mud-wrestling in the highest gear, which is already very much going on I think, but there will be also a very interesting time between election day and inauguration. I’m not sure to name it a traditional election or a traditional selection or fake action. 2020 was not an election, nothing legitimate and so this time I have no doubt it will be less.
So the expectations will be fraud on every corner, if there has been any elections without fraud in history, just not that obvious – we may never know. It’s past, not so important anymore. But as much you can make the weather forecast for the next five or ten minutes you can predict how smooth the election will take place this time. Though, what will happen afterwards is more like the weather forecast for the next year.

But all in all, in a few weeks or days we will know more, whether Trump, Harris or someone else will become the front puppet and master jester of the American comedy. Or when Harris is signed in the playbook as the next one who knows how long she are permitted to stay in office before the last president of America will come in as the final nail of the coffin. But as mentioned, it is very possible that Trump will make it, not because of MAGA, (I’m not sure what that means: “make America greedy again?”) but with him, the background players have at least someone to blame, to blame everything on Trump.

So I think that’s enough for now.
And again, as mentioned, time will tell how my internet will work the coming months until I will move again to another location and then… who knows how it will be there. You may know how frequently new videos will arrive – though on my website everything comes first, since it doesn’t require much bandwidth.

But whether with or without many new videos on this channel, more important is not to be deceived by false Christs and false prophets who might show great signs and wonders (Matthew 24:24) or before the days will be cut short for the sake of the elect (Mark 13:20) Just be elected by grace and ready for the final election to be at the right side of Yeshua when He separated the sheep and goats.

End of Message

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