Part 3: Monopoly – in Babylon
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Monopoly in Babylon = money makes the wor(l)d go round ?
Bab-bab-bab-baba-Babylon money makes the world go round
The global mammon temple choir sings it with unholy fire
Banksters in dark suits they wear lounge in noble peace prize chairs
Splashing in their money-pool they play you for a stupid fool
Monopoly’s a real-time game; the winners always are the same
These greedy cheaters know just how to steal the money and the show
Their leader taught them very well the ways he brought them up from Hell
They think the game is in their hand but no their house is built on sand
These global players here and yon they are the harlot Babylon
Who eat your heart and soul and mind with Apple Facebook Amazon
“Your greatest joy’s a click away” that’s what they say that’s what they say
And for this slavery day by day your credit card will help you pay
Not like those ancient Israelites who wandered through the desert nights
Not choosing what they had to eat or losing sandals on their feet
For 40 years their faithful Lord did feed them from His Manna store
He brought them through the wilderness with simple food and modest dress
With no computers pads or toys they lived a life of simple joys
Just think of that in all this noise just think of that you girls and boys
Can you imagine just a slice of life without your dear device
Since if you knew about the game you’d throw your iPads all away
But now that little trendy toy the thing that fills you with such joy
You swipe and press and sell and buy and swallowing the evil lie
That right there at your fingertips is love and truth and happiness
Instead a spider waits for you in that dark web you have no clue
The stock destroyers sailing forth from East to West and South to North
The trucks and trains and boats and ships that carry stuff to every port
The master players keep the docket so the poor stay in their pocket
The fly is in the spider’s web and very soon she’ll wake up dead
But first the FED and IMF will tax and starve her half to death
While claiming to support the poor with her donations to be sure
And like a froggy on slow boil enslaving her with endless toil
They totally ignore her need and satisfy their endless greed
Bab-bab-bab-baba-Babylon money makes the world go round
The global mammon temple choir sings it with unholy fire
Banksters in dark suits they wear lounge in noble peace prize chairs
Splashing in their money-pool they play you for a stupid fool
So now we see in modern form old Nimrod’s tower of Babylon
Yet neither of these builders count the distance they are trying to mount
Such fools they are in every way they build with iron mixed with clay
The ancient tongues the Lord confused these moderns too will be bemused
As barter deals went out of date receipts for gold as money came
And those who printed and controlled it were the masters of the game
The interest rates the banksters set put all the nations into debt
And right from birth the people all were put up as collateral
The next step will be breaking news as printed cash will disappear
A system based on six six six you’ll get the chance to volunteer
But only for a little while until in every single land
You’ll be required to take the mark upon your forehead or your hand
With every system update you enjoy the taste of something new
With every new subscription diving deeper into evil wisdom
So gradually you acclimate until the day you seal your fate
The system has connected you and all the while you had no clue
Money Money Money Money…………………………
This game was rolling pretty well the power players raising Hell
When suddenly a heavenly sound was blasted out to shake the ground
A Trump from out of nowhere blew that shocked the whole entire crew
Of winners who would take it all instead they heard their wake-up call
That Trump is not Hilarious they said he is nefarious
We are the guys who are the good that Trump is nothing but a hood
This game is ours we never fail his followers must GO TO JAIL
DO NOT PASS GO no salary since you insulted Hillary
Got opposition to the Beast from Putin China and the Middle East
We do not need another mess from Trumpet sounds out of the West
Those Christians are the ones to blame we’ll send them back from where they came
We’ll take their tax exempts away then see what happens when they pray
And all the while the well greased war-machine is killing more and more
As bullets guns and missiles pile the bodies up the banksters smile
Their profits piling to the ceiling from the wheeling and the dealing
War’s great business they all say keep it coming every day
No matter that the Trump did sound the puppet players still abound
And play their wicked song of war from Earth to sky from shore to shore
Their Orchestra of terror crazed and crazier each passing day
Conducting nations to their dance of Death so peace can have no chance
They keep us wondering instead which president might lose his head
His twitching finger push the button start nuclear war all of a sudden
So Mutually Assured Destruction finally is no protection
Since every weapon man has made eventually he used one day
Bab-bab-bab-baba-Babylon money makes the world go round
The global mammon temple choir sings it with unholy fire
Banksters in dark suits they wear lounge in noble peace prize chairs
Splashing in their money-pool they play you for a stupid fool
So keeping people paralyzed with fear the game is synchronized
And all the world is forced to play and take the mark with which they pay
We give you peace we set you free they say and you must all agree
The beast who claims to be as God you worship him or get the rod
But what if I don’t like this deal because of how it makes me feel
And what if I don’t want to play I only want to run away
If six six six is not my plan but just the number of a man
Who wants to keep me as a slave and send me to an early grave
If there’s a God in Heaven now then He will have to show me how
I can escape from this mad game who can He be what is His Name
Just like a child you need to be one time somebody said to me
Since God our Father sent His Son to save us all the Holy One
The bad guys hate us one and all but Babylon will shortly fall
The holy Son Yeshua’s wrath will give them all a bloody bath
Their money will not save them then their wicked game come to an end
And all their evil deeds receive their just reward for all that greed
So all your riches will not work if Satan’s Beast gives you his mark
No matter what you say or do for certain you won’t make it through
And if you sing his melody there won’t be any harmony
And Heaven’s Holy symphony you’ll never hear and never see
But watch the harlot Babylon come crashing down its power gone
As Hell will open up its jaws to swallow up her evil ways
And you will see Yeshua’s word confirmed by all that has occurred
From Genesis to Revelation every saint in jubilation
But every soul who joins the “game” in tribulation shares the shame
And those who roll the devil’s dice will have to pay a heavy price
One master can you serve alone it’s God or Money on the throne
Your heart will choose eternally and that will be your destiny
So search your heart look deep inside but don’t ignore the word of God
Your enemy he is not kind he only wants to keep you blind
And steal the glorious treasure stored in Heaven for you by the Lord
That treasure won’t corrode or rust or fade away like earthly dust
Bab-bab-bab-baba-Babylon money makes the world go round
The global mammon temple choir sings it with unholy fire
Banksters in dark suits they wear lounge in noble peace prize chairs
Splashing in their money-pool they play you for a stupid fool
Until the Master’s day will come “Monopoly” goes on *and on….*
The dice will roll and paper cash will buy you all the Earthly trash
You love to like and play to win and buried deep in lust and sin
Your house is built on shifting sand you’ll never reach the Promised Land
But if this song makes you awake you’ll meet the Winner who will take
The game board like a paper scroll into His hands and He will roll
It up and all the stars will fall to Earth (which cannot be a ball)
The world does not go round by money believing that just is not funny
Bab-bab-bab-baba-Babylon money makes the world go round
The global mammon temple choir sings it with unholy fire
Banksters in dark suits they wear lounge in noble peace prize chairs
Splashing in their money-pool they play you for a stupid fool